'#shorts Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/indian.cyclist.network/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cyclist.2020/ . . Strava: https://www.strava.com/clubs/IndianCyclistNetwork?utm_source=com.whatsapp&utm_medium=referral Benefits of Cycling 1. Cycling improves mental well-being: There are so many ways that exercise can boost your mood: there’s the basic release of adrenalin and endorphins, and the improved confidence that comes from achieving new things (such as completing a sportive or getting closer to that goal). Cycling combines physical exercise with being outdoors and exploring new views. You can ride solo – giving you time to process worries or concerns, or you can ride with a group which broadens your social circle. Former Hour Record holder Graeme Obree has suffered from depression through much of his life, and told us: “Getting out and riding will help [people suffering with depression]… Without cycling, I don’t know where I would be.” 2. Strengthen your immune system by cycling: This one is particularly relevant during the global Covid-19 pandemic. Dr. David Nieman and his colleagues at Appalachian State University studied 1000 adults up to the age of 85. They found that exercise had huge benefits on the health of the upper respiratory system – thus reducing instances of the common cold. Nieman said: “People can knock down sick days by about 40 percent by exercising aerobically on most days of the week while at the same time receiving many other exercise-related health benefits.” 3. Cycling promotes weight loss: The simple equation, when it comes to weight loss, is ‘calories out must exceed calories in’. So you need to burn more calories than you consume to lose weight. Cycling burns calories: between 400 and 1000 an hour, depending on intensity and rider weight. 4. Cycling builds muscle: The resistance element of cycling means that it doesn’t just burn fat: it also builds muscle – particularly around the glutes, hamstrings, quads, and calves. Muscle is leaner than fat, and people with a higher percentage of muscle burn more calories even when sedentary. 5. You can enjoy second breakfasts after cycling: If you decide to cycle to work, you’ve got a great excuse to add a couple of guilt free snacks to your day. Since a half hour ride to work should be burning between 200 and 500 calories, you’ve got a license to enjoy a smug second breakfast at your desk. 6. Cyclists have better lung health: You won’t be alone if this point seems contradictory to common sense. But a recent study suggests that people who ride a bike are actually exposed to fewer dangerous fumes than those who travel by car. 7. Cycling cuts heart disease and cancer risk: Cycling raises your heart rate and gets the blood pumping round your body, and it burns calories, limiting the chance of your being overweight. As a result, it’s among a selection of forms of exercise recommended by the NHS as being healthy ways to cut your risk of developing major illnesses such as heart disease and cancer. 8. Cycling improves navigational skills: In the world of car sat navs and Google maps, sometimes there’s just not that much incentive to sharpen your natural sense of direction (however superior or otherwise it may be). 9. Cycling improve your sex life: Most of us know that sex is a good thing, but not everyone knows that it’s actually good for your overall health. In fact, regular sex could indeed prolong your life. 10. Cyclists sleep better: It probably isn’t rocket science that tiring yourself out on the bike will improve your sleep – but now it’s been proven. 11. Cycling boosts your brain power: Exercise has been repeatedly linked to brain health – and the reduction of cognitive changes that can leave us vulnerable to dementia later in life. 12. Grow your social circle through cycling: Joining a cycling club or group is an excellent way to grow your social circle, and if you’re new to riding – you’ll probably find all the maintenance and training advice you may have been looking for there, too. Source: https://www.cyclingweekly.com/news/latest-news/benefits-of-cycling-334144 #cycling #cyclist #ride #biking #cyclinglife #bike #mtb #ciclismo #bikelife #cyclist #bicycle #roadbike #mountainbike #cyclingphotos #mtblife #roadcycling #instagood #strava #instacycling #photooftheday #bikes #mtbaddict #training #cyclingshots #bicicleta #bikeporn #cyclingpics #mtblovers #love #outsideisfree #bhfyp #indiancyclistnetwork #dance #dancingstar #dancingsuperstar #dancer #dancingcyclists #dancelingisbest #danceindiadance #did #terrencelouis #remodsouza #raghavjuyal #dharmesh #shaktimohan #puneet #boogiewoogie'
Tags: fitness , healthy , Health , america , healthylifestyle , Ride , adventure , fit , India , Malaysia , love , cycling , Cycle , singapore , Trekking , bicycle , ASIA , HealthyLife , brazil , riding , Cyclist , biking , himachal , bicycling , kanyakumari , mtb , fitindia , Manali , Shimla , Roadbike , roadies , Kashmir , ladakh , Sikkim , fitnessfreak , Darjeeling , gangtok , Uphill , Roadie , mtbbike , spiti , mtblife , cyclofit , cycling groups , cyclopath , cyclingfreaks , cyclology
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